
Build Xiamen to be a International Tour Detinations

In the past five years, Xiamen tourism industry successfully completed the "Eleventh Five-Year" mission, has made considerable progress and development, not only won many national honors, tourism city brand growing influence, and, industrial base, the project scale, service tour China system have received a better building and promoting. Into the "five-second" start, Xiamen tourism industry, how big, large-scale development of the new situation and new requirements, to continue to service the global, expanding the scale, raising standards, to expand its influence; how in the next "five-second "in the future, and glory.

Today, the 2011 annual meeting of the city's tourism industry development will be grand opening, in A review of the "Eleventh Five-Year", based on a "five-second" bright picture of the tourism industry in Xiamen will start slowly before our eyes. "1025" period is the city's efforts to achieve "double five", create "five Xiamen," an important opportunity, but also the development of tourism and making the city a strategic pillar industry of national economy and people more satisfied with critical period of modern service industry. The next five years, the city's tourism industry planning a new development goals, which closely around the modern international China travel tours port the overall positioning of tourist cities, efforts to achieve a big goal: world-renowned, first-class tourist destination city; effort started three Brand: leisure, business tourism exhibition and the Channel; strive to achieve five strategic task: to create the leading Hercynian tourism, promote tourism comprehensive reform, and promote development pattern, improve the status of the strategic pillars and so the people more satisfied, and further to create a tourism development situation. By 2015, received 56.88 million domestic visitors and foreign tourists, the average annual increase of 15% of tourism revenues $ 75 billion, an average annual increase of 16%, of which 2.88 million people receiving overseas visitors, an average annual increase of 14%, earning 2 billion U.S. dollar, tourism employment in more than 10 million people. To achieve the province's first national first-class, in 28 key tourist cities and 15 sub-provincial cities if the demonstration objectives. For more information, please shift to Visit China

