
China Fuyang Culture Tour Festival

The continuation of "Fuchun Mountains" Masterpieces of collusion in June in Taiwan event, July 26, by the Fuyang municipal government and the Chinese People's University co-sponsored the first China Fuyang Fuchun cultural and creative industries in the Fuchun River Economic Forum opened .

The forum of "cultural development, industrial transformation, creative leader" as the theme, designed to fully integrate the rich intellectual resources at home and abroad, domestic and international cities to explore in depth the development of the successful experience of cultural and creative industries to explore the city with the cultural and creative industries to promote the development of path model for second-tier cities in China, Fuyang and the cultural and creative industries to build a department to show results, a platform for exchange of experience. Known as the "Father of British cultural and creative industries," the internationally renowned scholars o John Hawkins, chairman and CEO of the International Festivals Association o Shiman De Steven, executive vice president of national Zhouwen Zhang, Renmin University of China Cultural and Creative Industry Research director of the Central Propaganda Department, "Cultural Development Program," Jin Pu and other members of the Group more than 20 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars attended around the "Creative economy: urban Development and regional Economic Cooperation", "cultural and creative products Fuchun transmission, gathering District construction and industrial operations "and other central theme of a keynote speech or presentation.

"Dig and innovative use of existing cultural resources, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading the city of Fuyang is a natural choice, but also depicts a modern version of" Fuchun Mountains' question of the meaning. "Fuyang party secretary Xu Wenguang said that in recent years to, Fuyang and more emphasis on the cultivation of cultural and creative industries, made ​​a "leisure city" character positioning, "sports and leisure, innovation and creativity, eco-living" the development of the Trinity concept and development model.For more information, please shift to Visit China

