
Travel China: Popular Taiwan Free Tour in Summer

IVS mainland tourists to Taiwan has a large screen Kai. Reporters 1 from Xiamen tourism industry understand that the follow-up application hot IVS Taiwan, student group travel to Taiwan to bring fresh vitality.
Reporters learned in Xiamen Chunhui Travel China country tour, with the arrival of summer, many parents and students come to understand the specific issues travel to Taiwan, while the preferences of backpacking college students is a personal tour of the appropriate object, I believe they are the next two months individual visit to Taiwan will become an important source.
Taiwan's colleges and universities this year, the first move terrestrial, is also expected to bring hot summer study tour of Taiwan. Xiamen University Taiwan joint office of the Lin Zhonghua told reporters that Taiwan's colleges and universities this year, the first move terrestrial, due to time constraints, exposing the school to communicate with each other and lack of understanding of terrestrial problems. To this end, they plan to contact the Taiwan-related colleges and universities in the summer, the organization of terrestrial and parents went to visit Taiwan's colleges and universities, both for terrestrial universities in Taiwan can have perceptual  China Travel Agent knowledge of Taiwan's universities and also help direct contacts with terrestrial.
Lin Zhonghua that this popular program for students interested in studying and Taiwan to welcome parents, has received a considerable amount of consultation, he believes next year's tourism products related to terrestrial Taiwan learned a considerable role in promoting.For more information, please shift to Visit China

