
Travel China: Guizhou Hong Kong Tour

To expand the "Guizhou • Hong Kong Investment and Trade Week" follow-up influence and improve the "Colorful Guizhou" tourism brand in Hong Kong tourism market impact and visibility, display a new image of our province a good tourist destination, further promote tourism in our province Travel China and Hong Kong businesses and depth of the media cooperation and exchanges, should I Bureau has invited the Hong Kong Modern China Travel Service, Yau Ma Tei, travel agents, the new King and travel agencies Guizhou line travel agents in key people, and the Hong Kong Oriental Daily, Economic Daily, Daily, Daily News, economy lead newspaper, magazine rich, China's tourism magazine, Asia Travel and other media correspondent who recently went to a line 26 to line Eastern province inspection and interviews.
       In the five-day visit, the delegation inspected the Xijiang Miao Village, Wuyang scenic spots, Zhenyuan city, Fanjingshan, Buddhist culture Yuan, Miao and other China Travel Agent Eastern City and Qingyanguzhen major scenic spots (points), respectively with the local Tourism Bureau official exchange forum. Qiandongnan, Tongren and Guiyang City Tourism Committee accompanied by the main person in charge and introduced the study of local tourism resources, products, features, reception facilities and so on.
       Currently, the province in the west of Hong Kong's main product line of natural landscapes line the main route selection is relatively simple. The eastern province has rich tourism resources, product development and strong, with the traffic conditions continue to improve access, the construction of tourist reception facilities continue to strengthen, increasing outreach efforts, Eastern tourism resources into product advantages The potential is growing. Tongren Prefecture, in September last year in particular, successfully held the Fifth Conference of Guizhou tourism industry, tourism infrastructure has been greatly improved, market-oriented introduced to Fanjingshan as the leading tourism products have been gradually build a Guizhou tourism One hot area.For more information, please shift to Visit China

